Dimitra Theodoropoulou
Senior Project Manager

Dimitra Theodoropoulou

I am a Senior Project Managers in the Consultancy Team, specialising in Research, Evaluation and Learning. I have passion for bridging academic thinking and real-world practice to bring about evidenced and sustainable change for individuals, groups and organisations.

My experience & skills

I have 20 years of experience in the Mental Health sector, facilitating journeys of change for individuals and organisations in creativity, wellbeing and trauma-informed practice. My passion of research and evaluation inquiries lies in understanding “How Interventions Work,” which led me to pursue a PhD in Health & Social Care.

I have been conducting research on Art Therapy using constructivist grounded theory methodology to explore mechanisms of change through the art therapists’ perspectives. I believe that using the right methodology, the practitioners’ knowledge and experience can be systematically captured to add to the evidence base of the intervention. Through this engagement, I have developed expertise in use of Creative/Visual methods for reflexivity in research and practice.

Before I joined Renaisi, I worked for a children’s charity organisation as an Assistant Clinical Director responsible for overseeing the Clinical Impact of MEL activities for funded projects with National Lottery, Youth Endowment Fund, BBC Children in Need, Local Authorities, CCGs and others.

I enjoy supporting organisations in embracing the concept of ‘practice-based evidence vs evidence-based practice’ and offering my impact-know-how as a volunteering Trustee for a Counselling Training organisation.

Hobbies & interests

When I don’t work or study, I love doing Art for Mindfulness, Reflexivity and Self-care. My reading list includes academic books as well as sci-fi novels. I resource myself by being in nature, walking in the woods or swimming in the sea.